Call Toll Free (888) 572-0395


We provide fast, reliable, professional 24 Hr locksmith services at extremely competitive rates throughout the lower mainland.

Phone: (888) 572-0395

Schulter OK

We provide round the clock, all year round locksmith services to whatever locksmith concern it is. We can even serve you on a holiday, weekend, or a late evening hour without charging any extra fees. Our locksmith firm, provide same day assistance for we understand how crucial an emergency lockout situations are.

We’d always keep in mind to provide you customer satisfaction by means of high quality locksmith services no matter how complex the job can be. All of you locksmith needs will be dealt with our highly trained locksmith professionals.

Our commercial services include high security locks, Panic bar installation, Master Lock system for your building, Exit devices, Office or store front re-keys or replacement, Keycard access.

In our residential locksmith services, we can re-key your locks for less than buying new locks, New Keys made for locks with lost keys, Lock installation, Locks drilled out if needed, Dead bolt installation, Desk or other home locks replaced or fixed.

While our automotive locksmith services consists of emergency car lockouts, transponder key programming, ignition keys, key extraction and more.

Our trained and completely certified professional locksmiths are not just here to help you with your lock dilemmas; they are trained to give you total protection. You are just a phone call away from the leading locksmith company within the state.

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