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We provide fast, reliable, professional 24 Hr locksmith services at extremely competitive rates throughout the lower mainland.

Duplicating Car/Home Keys

Having duplicate car and home keys is advisable so as to have an extra set of keys in emergency cases. Key duplication service’s demand has grown recently as people want to escape problems faced on losing the keys. The Keys Replacements provides 24X7 emergency services to its clients. We specialize in making locks and keys as well as key replacement. The locksmiths here are expert in making duplicate car and home keys.

$15 visit charge is taken by our locksmiths to render the service at the destination specified by the client. No other locksmith service provider can provide you cheaper car and home key duplication service. Our specialty is that we do not compromise with the service quality in any situation.

Our locksmiths take just 15 minutes response time. If you approach us for the car and home key duplication service, then you can avoid many hassles as faced on opting for other locksmith service providers.

The licensed, bonded and insured locksmiths constantly aim to provide the best and most reliable duplicating car and home keys facility. They are expert in the key duplicating service and highly experienced as well. This facilitates them to provide reliable service in very less time.