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We provide fast, reliable, professional 24 Hr locksmith services at extremely competitive rates throughout the lower mainland.

Spare Keys Made

The Keys Replacements has a professional team of licensed, bonded and insured locksmiths that can handle a wide range of clients’ locksmith needs very easily. The most common thing that can happen these days is that he loses his car or house keys somewhere or misplaces them. This leads to the obvious need of getting new keys. A better option would be to get the spare keys made and keep them beforehand so as to have an alternative if such a situation arises.

Owing to our 24X7 emergency services, we have become very popular as the clients have the option to avail our services whenever they need. We not only claim but also take only 15 minutes response time. So, if you need to get the spare keys made for your house or your car, you can contact us for service. It is highly advisable to get spare keys made so that you do not need to look for a locksmith if you lose your keys.

Just $15 visit charge is taken by us to reach the destination. Key making is an art and a locksmith needs to be highly skilled in making keys to render reliable services. We provide a reliable, cheap, high quality and quick spare key making service.